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Nuc - Spring (April) - Martha Carpenter Mite Maulers

Nuc - Spring (April) - Martha Carpenter Mite Maulers

Regular price $187.00
Regular price Sale price $187.00
Sale Sold out


5-Frame NUC for Pick-up in early April, exact time is dependent upon weather. Sign up for email notifications.  It is how we will keep you informed.  

The cost of the nuc is $187 plus tax. There will be a $20 box deposit at time of pick-up, refunded upon return to us.  

Our Mesh Traveling Bags can be added to your order at pick-up, $9.95 each.  One bag will cover one NUC to be able to transport your NUC with confidence that your bees will not get loose in your vehicle during transportation.

Our Spring 5-frame deep nucs will be from newly raised 2025 Martha Carpenter Mite Mauler queens, mated and raising brood.  Your nuc will include 2-3 frames brood, 1-2 frames honey/pollen, and one open/working frame.

When you order honeybee nucs from Spears Bee Farm online, by phone, by email, in person, or by mail, you agree to the following policies, contract terms, conditions, limitations and exceptions.  Once ordered, it is non-refundable.  You may transfer it to someone else, notifying us as to who will be picking up your nuc(s).

Each customer is responsible for picking up their bees at the time specified, or for making arrangements for an alternative pick up date and time. Spears Bee Farm will not give refunds to anyone who does not pick up their nucs, and we may offer your nuc(s) to the next person on the waiting list.

Nucs and the risk of loss of the bees and the queen inside become the responsibility of the customer at the time of pick up. Anything that happens with the nuc after you leave is totally your responsibility; this includes overheating, death of bees in nuc(s), or queen loss while in transport. On hot days, bees need to be kept in air conditioning on the way home; nucs can not set in an un-air conditioned car for more than 5 minutes, or overheating death will occur. Spears Bee Farm is not responsible for any overheating issues, and will not replace or refund the nuc due to overheating death. Spears Bee Farm guarantees that all nucs will be healthy with a laying queen upon customer pickup; however, because of different apicultural techniques we can not guarantee the survival or productivity of the hive that you may establish from the nuc. Furthermore, Spears Bee Farm does not guarantee the survival of whatever hive is established by your nuc through the winter months, no matter if the nuc was purchased in the early spring, summer, late summer or fall months. By placing the order with Spears Bee Farm, each customer agrees that they have read through these terms & conditions, and they will not attempt to hold Spears Bee Farm responsible for whatever may happen to your nuc and/or queen after it has been picked up by the customer.

Spears Bee Farm offers a highest quality guarantee on each honey bee nuc. If not completely satisfied with the nuc at the time of inspection pick up, the customer does not have to accept the nuc, and they can have a complete refund of their purchase price. The customer must accept the nuc OR the complete refund; we do not allow anyone to have a complete refund AND keep the nuc(s). The highest quality guarantee ends when the customer leaves with the honeybee nuc(s); anything that happens with the bees after that time is totally the customer's responsibility. By accepting the nuc(s) and taking them with you, you agree that they are to your standards. After the nuc(s) have left our premises, we will not accept them back for a refund or exchange.

There is potential risk of injury from activities involved in beekeeping, and while particular rules, equipment and personal care may reduce the risk, the risk of injury does exist; and YOU KNOWINGLY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for your participation; and, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS RL SPEARS LLC dba Spears Bee Farm their officers, other participants, and if applicable, owner and lessors of the premises ("RELEASEES") used to conduct any event, WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASED OR OTHERWISE.

Nuc Installation Instructions


Any questions, please use our Chat or call 641-224-2233.

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